Yesterday was strange. And fun. And... weird.
Yesterday, we all took a team picture for lacrosse. Of course, with my unbelievably awkward luck, I had to sit behind JaQuan Blackmon on a bench too thin too actually sit on with my full butt. And so, I had to put my knees on his back. At this point he's decided to lay back on me and pretend to sleep. I didn't mind, but it was weird. And to make it even more strange, he asks me to hold his hand... Whaaat??? Yeah... I was kind of weirded out actually. AND THEEEEN, when we get back to the field house after taking our wonderful picture, he decdides to take a nap with his leg on my lap. Again, Whaaat??? And so he proceeds to sleep on me. For an hour. I sure was warm...
Yesterday also involved Jo-E. Jo-E decided to bother me ALL AFTERNOON. He kept poking me and touching me and pinching me and, and URGGG!!!! It was annoying. After the scrimmage finally started at 5:30 I used Jo-E as a warmer. I sat between him and another girl. I was kind of warm-ish... After all of that was over, I stole Jo-E's shoes and took them outside. Then he comes up behind me, grabs me around my waist, and picks me up. O.O Whaaat??? I was terrified!!! I HATE being picked up! With a passion. A fiery, burning passion of ten thousand suns. HATE IT! And he didn't just lift me up a little bit, he PICKED ME UP. Like two feet off the ground!!! I screamed, of course and lifted my knees to get him to put me down. Then I ran away. I had to stomp around and drag my feet every where to get the feeling of being up in the air to go away... I know. I'm weird and awkward...
Anyway. That's all I had for today.
Later Days.
I love Zooey Deschanel.
Zooey for President!!!!
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