Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Sucks.

I didn't get my prom dress.

 I loved that dress.

They didn't have it when they actually checked in the warehouse.

I'm so sad.

I'm so upset.

 Oh, well.

Back to square one.

 I was supposed to have The Scarlet Letter done by today for AP Language and Composition. I got to chapter 21 (out of 24) and then I was so tired that I just went to sleep. I should be finishing it now, in 1st period but I'm doing this instead. Ugh.

I'm sooooooo ready for summer. I'm so done with school right now. I just want to be alone. That won't even happen in the summer but, I just want to be able to go to the pool, relax, and lay in the sun. Ugh.

Yesterday was kind of a bad day. I think today will be better. I hope. Ugh.

We're not leaving until 5:30 today for our lacrosse game at ECH. Ugh.

Well, I have nothing else to say.

Word of the Day:
Vernal: (adj) appearing or occurring in spring; of or pertaining to spring; appropriate to or suggesting spring; springlike; belonging to or characteristic of youth. 

Later Days.


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