Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Paint me like one of your French Girls, Jack."

A note before I begin my ranting: You should all take a look at the tags for each post. Sometimes they're important to the entirety of the post. But most of the time they're just saying what is in each post. So I guess you don't have to...

Yesterday, for the first time EVER... OUR LACROSSE TEAM WON A GAME!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! That's sooooo exciting! After our EPIC win, we went out to eat. We just stopped at Wendy's but it was fun and delicious.

We got to this game like 2 hours early so we had time to kill. So as we're (Esu Mane, the Girlfriend of Young Master Bill (from here on known as Mima), the Asian, and Big Red) sitting on a hill above our competitor's field, I was attempting to write an essay for my favorite class, AP Language and Composition. Well, that didn't work. Instead I wrote it this morning in first period. FAIL.

Of course you guys know that Gewgaw is on the lacrosse team. So yesterday after the game we stopped at Wendy's. At this eating establishment of ginger proportions, I was standing behind him in line while Esu Mane went to the bathroom to take off her pants (she was wearing two pairs... just so you guys don't flip out like "Whaaaaaaaa???"). So me being the horrible person I am, I start talking to him and punching him and then he decides to grab me and tickle me and OF COURSE(!) Roblett walks up crying and asks for aspirin for his tendinitis. I felt so bad for messing around and he's in so much pain! Wah! I'm awful.


The game was fun and I even got 2 new Esuisms and a Mojoism out of it:

Esuism #6:
*talking about what I should write my essay on and Gewgaw shows up to converse with me*
Esu: "Oh! I know! You should write about the time I punched Gewgaw in the face! :D"
Gewgaw: "When did that happen?"
Esu: "10 minutes from now."
Me: "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!"

Hahaha! She really does dislike him.

Esuism #7:
Esu: "An Esu is worth a thousand words!"
Me: "And a million laughs!"

I made her smile. Hahaha! I'm the best!

Mojoism #3:
*Esu sends me a text message as we're sitting on the bus next to each other*
*I recieve the text*
Me: *turning to Esu and shining the light of my phone on my face* "Do you see my face right now? This is how amused I am by that text message."

This was my face: -_-

Hahaha! Ohhhh, good times.

I was in a pretty bitchy mood yesterday. And I'm not really sure why... I just was... I feel bad for doing it sometimes but at the same time I enjoy it... *shrugs* Oh well.

Word of the Day:
Rutilant: (adj) glowing or glittering with ruddy or golden light

Well that's all folks.

Later Days.



  1. Esu Mane, the Girlfriend of Young Master Bill

    That made me sound like I was the girlfriend of YMB.

    we need to make a nickname for her.

  2. Aaaah I have no clue who Gewgaw is xD I've been quietly trying to figure it out :O I don't knooooow!
