Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How overrated is this?

Okay... so I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I kind of think that blogging is overrated (except of course for my friend Esu Mane's blog of course! You should totally check it out. Click here to see it.). But here's why I am doing this: My friend, Esu Mane, and I have the best conversations and come up with the best quotes ever but I can never remember them long enough to write them down. So I've decided to create this blog to document all of the wonderful sayings we come up with and share them with the world. (She thinks this blog is quite strange because it was started all because of her. Oh well.)

In this blog, I hope to document the FACEPALM moments of my life and the wonderful things my friends say.

Here's the first one:

Esuism #1:
"I love you with all of my heart and most of my spleen."

Also here's a wonderful word for you all.

Word of the Day:
Gewgaw: (noun) something gaudy and useless

Gewgaw may be featured in my blog at some point. He is exactly as the definition implies. Gaudy and useless.

Well, I shall depart now.

Later days.



  1. Replies
    1. Are you serious?? Hahaha! That's great. :) I'm glad I made your day 2 days in a row. Hahaha!
