Thursday, February 23, 2012

Whoops! My Phone Just Went Off in Class...

Well that was awkward... Now as I sit here and try not to look guilty, I shall regale you with the tales of my day yesterday and provide you with some new Esuisms and a few new characters to introduce to you.

I, Mojo, am a manager/trainer-in-training for the lacrosse team at my school. Esu Mane is also a trainer for the team (as well as every other team in the school!!). Yesterday, Esu Mane had to go with our basketball team to another school and left me all alone to tape up our players. The Day she isn't there, 5 players (5!!!) needed fixing! I had to tape 4 ankles and 3 shin splints! I don't even know how to do ankles!!! What the heck man?!?!?! Esu should've been there... Bleh to her... Anyway, it was craziness. Pure craziness. Me and BigRed (a new character!) had an interesting conversation though. And the day before, Esu, BigRed, and I all had a conversation about Smurfs... Weird, huh?

BigRedism #1: 
Esu: "Where do you think all of the little smerflettes come from?!"
BigRed:  "Well, they sure don't just pop out of mushrooms!!"
Ahhhh, good times, good times.

Today, Esu Mane and I had a strange conversation about people who bother us. Esu then said:

Esuism #2:
"She irks my nerves beyond belief."

The "beyond belief" might be the best part of that whole Esuism.

After that conversation we started discussing school mascots. Esu mentioned one called the Blue Hoes... Here's what happened:

Mojoism #1:
Esu: "Thier mascots are the Blue Hoes"
Me: "I'd hate to go to that school! I'd be a Blue Hoe! That's not cool! I'm not even blue!! AND! Imagine their cheerleaders... they're Blue... and Hoes!!"

Yeah... That's what happened... Well then.

Esuism #3:
Esu Mane: "Did you look like a biscuit, Mojo?"
Me: "I was delicious looking, yes."

We were talking about my golden tan of last summer. It was very random..

Well, I believe that it is time for me to go now.

Later Days.



Word of the Day:
: (Verb) to laugh loudly or immoderately.


(Just keep scrolling)



  1. Sorry I wasn't there! Yeesh! Bitter much? hahahaha!

    1. Yes. Very bitter. Very. -.- *glare glare glare* XD
