Friday, February 24, 2012

I am a Horrible Person.

You know why I am a horrible person? Because Esu Mane will be very angry at me for this and she's a wonderful person. Here's what happend that makes me think so:

Yesterday I was on the procrastination tool of the century (Facebook) and I sat that Gewgaw (I mentioned him in the first post) Had changed his relationship status from "in a relationship" to "single"... Well... there has been some underlying sexual tension between us. We had Chemistry (the class) together last semester and we even sat next to each other. He... he is frustrating. He is pushy and touchy and big and mixed and... there's something about him.... I can't leave it alone even though I want to... Gah!!! It's so hard being young and having no experience with relationships. I don't know how to flirt or react to his advances either so I think it frustrates him. Anyway! I "liked" his relationship status change... And I feel like a terrible person. I don't know what I want anymore. I don't want a relationship right now (because I don't need that kind of a distraction right now) but I want him. But then again I don't want him. He's cocky and a jerk and... irksome.


I'll figure it out I guess.

Later Days.


P.S. Did I mention he's on the Lacrosse team too? *sigh* This will be an interesting season...


  1. Chemistry (the class) together.

    This just made me laugh.

    And we shall talk about this later. No doubt. :) hahaha

    1. I thought it was kind of funny too. :)

      Gah. Okay... If we must.
