Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What a Summer!


I'm baaaaaack!!

It was a fantastic summer! All I did was work! Whether it was babysitting or lifeguarding, I was constantly working. I had very few days off. But in all that grueling work I made twice as much as last summer! Woo!

So some updates:
2. My grandmother on my father's side died on July 25th. (tear)
3. Esu has officially left for college. (tear tear)
4. I broke my ankle on the 1st of September. (tear tear tear)
5. Lacrosse Camp was awesome!
6. My 17th birthday is tomorrow!!


2. My Grandma Ruth died.
Grandma Ruth was amazing. She was so genuine and dedicated to her family and her church. She was wonderful and I was shocked when I heard she died. The funeral was at her church in Atlanta on August 1st. It was a gorgeous ceremony. I cried of course. 2 of my cousins were being extremely disrespectful by playing hangman and listening to music through headphones. I wanted to hurt them. That's no appropriate. At all. This is why I hate people.

3. Esu Mane, my dear friend, has gone away to college. It's so weird not seeing her at school. She has always been there, even before I knew her. It's the strangest feeling to not see her everyday...

4. I did indeed break my ankle on the first of September. It pretty much sucks. I hate crutches. My ankle is STILL swollen. It's so stupid. I was being a klutz at a trampoline place and my ankle turned inward and something popped in my ankle bone area. It still hurts and still sucks. So hard.

5. Lacrosse camp was fantastic! It was beautiful! It was so warm and pleasant and the kids were so freaking cute! There was one kid who had never played lacrosse before and by the end of the week he was doing fantastically and I loved him so much! :D JaQuan and Assness were there. We actually had fun. Jiggelocity trained a couple of new goalies but neither of them are as good as he is. We'll miss him. :'(

6. MY SEVENTEENTH FREAKING BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!! I'm so excited! I'm getting a present tonight from my grandparents since I won't see them tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'm getting a Nikon One Camera! I'll have to start taking pictures and posting them on here. :) I love, love, love, love my grandparents! :D My other friends are bringing me presents to school which will be hard to manage since I'm on stupid crutches... But I'll enjoy it anyway. I love my birthday. :) September 19th is such a great day and has an awesome ring to it when you say it. :) We are going to the Melting Pot for dinner afterward school tomorrow. :)

Anyway, here comes the usual daily business:

Word of the Day!
Tartuffery [\ tahr-TOOF-uh-ree \] (noun) : Behavior or character of a Tartuffe, especially hypocritical piety.

Alright! Done!

Later Days! :)


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't You Hate When That Happens?

I hate when guys are so nice to you and super sweet and insanely attractive and they have girlfriends. At least when they don't, you stand a little bit of chance, even when you look like me... Ugh. And what I hate even more is when you kind of like them even if you don't want to admit it... And I really don't. I don't want to admit it to anyone, least of all myself. But, I guess I have to in order to let it go.

I also hate when those insanely sweet guys are constantly sweet to you and text you a lot... That's annoying. I can't even escape my forever aloneness at home when I don't have to see him. Ugh.


I also hate when you go to eat some cereal in the morning only to find out that your sister ate it all. That's annoying. Really annoying.

Well... I don't really have anything else to say... Life has been really boring lately... *shrugs* Oh, well. That's good I guess.

Later Days.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yesterday = WHAAAT???

Yesterday was strange. And fun. And... weird.

Yesterday, we all took a team picture for lacrosse. Of course, with my unbelievably awkward luck, I had to sit behind JaQuan Blackmon on a bench too thin too actually sit on with my full butt. And so, I had to put my knees on his back. At this point he's decided to lay back on me and pretend to sleep. I didn't mind, but it was weird. And to make it even more strange, he asks me to hold his hand... Whaaat??? Yeah... I was kind of weirded out actually. AND THEEEEN, when we get back to the field house after taking our wonderful picture, he decdides to take a nap with his leg on my lap. Again, Whaaat??? And so he proceeds to sleep on me. For an hour. I sure was warm...

Yesterday also involved Jo-E. Jo-E decided to bother me ALL AFTERNOON. He kept poking me and touching me and pinching me and, and URGGG!!!! It was annoying. After the scrimmage finally started at 5:30 I used Jo-E as a warmer. I sat between him and another girl. I was kind of warm-ish... After all of that was over, I  stole Jo-E's shoes and took them outside. Then he comes up behind me, grabs me around my waist, and picks me up. O.O Whaaat??? I was terrified!!! I HATE being picked up! With a passion. A fiery, burning passion of ten thousand suns. HATE IT! And he didn't just lift me up a little bit, he PICKED ME UP. Like two feet off the ground!!! I screamed, of course and lifted my knees to get him to put me down. Then I ran away. I had to stomp around and drag my feet every where to get the feeling of being up in the air to go away... I know. I'm weird and awkward...

Anyway. That's all I had for today.

Later Days.


I love Zooey Deschanel.

Zooey for President!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh. My. Octopus.

Stole this from Esu this morning.

Too. Much. OCTOPUS!!!

I love octopi. : D

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Must. Stay. Awake!

Oh what a cute kitty. :)

He reminds me of my very own kitties. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I've Been Away for a While.

And not much has happened in this while that I've been away. I've been really bored. REALLY bored.

JaQuan said something funny to me last week. One of the lacrosse players came to practice late and JaQuan asked him where he had been for the past hour. Being me, I had been eves dropping and as a joke I said: "He was probably making out with his girlfriend." Then JaQuan asks me, "In the bathroom?" And I respond, "Probably." Then, and here comes the good part everyone, he says to me, "You know, Mojo, we could do that too." ;D <-- That was his face. Mine was more like: O.O But instead of expressing my shock at his statement and saying what I wanted and, in hind sight, should have said,  I say, "Hahaha! No we can't. Sorry bud." And he goes, "Awwww why not?" And of course I said, "Because I said so."

Damn. Sometimes I'm an absolute idiot. I almost get to make out with the sexiest guy I know, and I go and blow it. I know it's wrong because he has a girlfriend and all, but DAYUM is he sexy. Woo! It is hard to contain myself when I see him shirtless. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Yummy. Hahaha! Cachinnator can attest to his sexiness. The only thing about this whole making-out thing is that I don't know how. Shocking, I know. It certainly is sad dear reader. It makes me sad. And so does the fact that I didn't get to try it with JaQuan Blackmon. Hot Dayum.


Well... Actually, I don't have anything else to say... Oh well.

Word of the Day:
Ephebe: (noun) a young man

That's what JaQuan is. An extremely sexy ephebe. Mm-mm-mm.

Later Days.


Unfortunately, It's true.

How To Fingerpaint:

Oh, Pusheen. How I enjoy you so.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Me: "Nerds for a Nerd?" Raisig: "I Prefer the Term Intellectual Badass."

Oh Raisig. He cracks me up. He said he found that on the Internet. I find it absolutely hilarious. : D

Oh Spanish class. The joys you bring me on a daily basis.

A class with JaQuan Blackmon and Raisig? I think so.

Awesomeness incarnate.

Later Days.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Sucks.

I didn't get my prom dress.

 I loved that dress.

They didn't have it when they actually checked in the warehouse.

I'm so sad.

I'm so upset.

 Oh, well.

Back to square one.

 I was supposed to have The Scarlet Letter done by today for AP Language and Composition. I got to chapter 21 (out of 24) and then I was so tired that I just went to sleep. I should be finishing it now, in 1st period but I'm doing this instead. Ugh.

I'm sooooooo ready for summer. I'm so done with school right now. I just want to be alone. That won't even happen in the summer but, I just want to be able to go to the pool, relax, and lay in the sun. Ugh.

Yesterday was kind of a bad day. I think today will be better. I hope. Ugh.

We're not leaving until 5:30 today for our lacrosse game at ECH. Ugh.

Well, I have nothing else to say.

Word of the Day:
Vernal: (adj) appearing or occurring in spring; of or pertaining to spring; appropriate to or suggesting spring; springlike; belonging to or characteristic of youth. 

Later Days.


Monday, March 26, 2012


I put that up here yesterday to remind myself to post this. The other day I was talking to Jiggleocity, who is the goalie for our lacrosse team. I was talking about whores and Esu goes, "You know who else is a whore?" and Jiggleocity says, "Me." and them all of us there, Pitbull (the Girlfriend of Young Master Bill [who will be from here on out known as Sadie]) the Asian, Big Red, Esu Mane, and myself, all busted out laughing. It was a great day. : )

What A Weekend!

I had quite a wonderful weekend!

I got my prom dress!!!!! Soooooo exciting!!

I got a tack bag for horseback riding that has all of the brushes and things that I need to keep a horsey clean. : D

I had an amazing Sunday. It was just a good day for some reason. : )

I talked to some friends and planned some excursions for the coming weeks. Fun stuff coming up guys!

I made some money. Cool beans. Boring babysitting.

I had an extremely strange dream this past week. Esu Mane, JaQuan Blackmon, Gewgaw, and I were all in some random house in some random place. (I know super random right??) Esu, who HATES Gewgaw (and I mean HATES him!) was being nice to him. It was... strange. A lot of other stuff happened but... I don't think I should share that much with you guys... Haha! And obviously I didn't get enough sleep. To much excitement in my dream world... Phew! That was... interesting.

Well I have lacrosse practice after school today of course. Kind of dreading it...

I miss my Bullfrog! I hung out with him last weekend but I miss him still. He's my best friend ever. I miss his mom too. She's wonderful. I'm taking Bullfrog to prom with me! >.< Soooooo exciting! It's going to be tons and tons of fun!!!!!!!

That's all I had to say today! A short post for me. : )

Later Days.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's Been a While.

It's been a while since I've posted (as was indicated by the title of this long over due post).

Some News!

1: OUR LACROSSE TEAM WON TWO GAMES IN A ROW!!! We had a game on Friday and a game yesterday and we won both of them!!! I was so excited!!! WOOOT!!!

2:  Gewgaw is back to hitting on me again. Sigh. That boy.

3: I got a C on my report card in AP Language and Composition. Sad face. D: My parents were upset. I was not.

4: ...I don't think I have anymore news for you... Oh, well!

JaQuan Blackmon is sitting next to me in Spanish class. He's a strange one. He's on the lacrosse team too! Yesterday he flattened some guy and got a minute penalty for it. It was pretty great. I thoroughly enjoyed that hit. Thoroughly. He's playing Minecraft on his computadora. It looks like a pretty dumb game but Sans Serif plays it. I don't think I'll ever play it. JaQuan is also a football player. And Gewgaw's best friend. Oh, dear. I enjoy JaQuan though. He makes me laugh. Esu Mane enjoys JaQuan as well.

It's Tuesday. I wish it was Friday. I have nothing to do this weekend except for babysit on Saturday from 4 to I'm not even sure when. I'm ready to sleep in.

Last night, I was reading The Scarlet Letter for AP Language and Composition, when I got extremely sleepy. So, I decided to take a break and put my book on my face just to take a rest. Next thing I knew, it was 5:30, my lamp was still on, and my book, pencil, eraser, and bookmark were scattered on my bed. It was crazy. I didn't even remember falling asleep! I felt wide awake at that point so I just decided to get up. I got to see my mommy though, which is awesome because she leaves for work before I normally get up! It was nice to see her. : )

I think that's everything I had for today.

Later Days.


Word of the Day:
Gasser: (n) Something that is extraordinarily pleasing or successful, especially a very funny joke ; a person or thing that gasses

This is the funniest corny joke I've heard in a looooooong time. How I love corny jokes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Slew of -Isms!

So, over this past wonderful weekend I was sick. Really sick. I woke up Saturday morning (the day I was supposed to go to the beach so that I could volunteer at the aquarium) and all of my muscles ached, my throat was killing me, my head was killing me, and I was sensitive to the light. Oh, and I had a fever. Good stuff. So I went downstairs, took some aspirin, and got ready to go. My mom kept asking me if I was okay and I told her I was fine, of course, and so, off to the beach we went! I worked at the Aquarium for 5 hours straight. No break. No water (which I had been drinking pretty much constantly since the early morning). It was bad. So I got in the car after my shift and I almost passed out. I was soooo tired at that point, it's unbelievable. I was supposed to go in and volunteer again on Sunday but I then had a fever that night so my mom told me to email and call the volunteer coordinator and tell her that I wasn't coming in the next morning. Instead we went to the pool and got breakfast and then left the beach.

Anyway! That's not what I was going to talk about. I was going to tell all of you what happened at our lacrosse game on Friday. First of all, we lost. Sadness, I know. But it was fun in other ways! Here I'll show you:

Esuism #8:
Me: "Wow, you really don't like her do you?"
Esu: "I do not like her, Sam-I-Am!"

She is strange sometimes.  X D

Esuism #9:
*rocking on the bench thing and singing along with the radio*
Esu: "Call me Mr. Flinstone, I can make your bench... thing... rock..."

She's crazy! I love her. : ) Hahaha!

Esuism #10/Lunchism #2:
Esu: "*rant rant rant*... and you know what really creams my corn?!?!"
*rest of lunch table (which consists of Mr. McSmartiePants, Yammer, and the Dreaden) laugh rather hardily*

X D Oh, Esu.

Esuism #11/ Coach MacDaddyism #1:
*Esu pulls her penguin hat down over her face*

Coach is hilarious. : )

Mojoism #3:
*bored at the lacrosse game during halftime*
Me: "I'm just bouncing on my butt muscles right now!!!"
Esu and the Asian: "Hahahahahaha!!!!"

Oh, boredom.

Asianism #1:
*weird music is being played over the loud speaker at the lacrosse game*
Asian: "It sounds like they're having monkey sex!"

We have way too much fun.

That's all I had to say today.

Later Days.


Friday, March 9, 2012

I Hate...

I hate people. They're onerous (that's an excellent word. You should look it up) and quite fickle. I hate how a person can be happy and bubbly one day, and all depressed and angry the next.

I hate when people take their anger at others out on me.

I hate not seeing Bullfrog everyday. He's one of my best friends and I never see him anymore. It makes me sad.

I hate not having a Shugy class. Yammer has 3. IN A ROW.

I hate boys (except for Bullfrog and Cwitoburger). They annoy the ever loving crap out of me.

I hate that I have no free time anymore. I used to be able to read a couple books a week. I haven't even opened a book in about 2 weeks. It makes me sad.

I love reading.

I love my friends even when they're angry at someone else and they take it out on me.

I love being a lacrosse manager. I get to hang out with some awesome people and watch a sport that is super entertaining.

I love sleeping. : D But who doesn't.

I love my mommy. She's wonderful. She's the best mommy ever! >.<

I love being me. : )

I love horses and riding horses. It makes me incredibly happy.

 I love music and singing. I'm scared to sing in front of others but I'm so excited for the Tri-M concert at school.

I love the beach. I lived there for a while when I was younger and I loved it.

I love animals! All kinds! I don't love birds though... they scare me...

Well that's all I had to say.

Word of the Day:
Pococurante: (n): Caring little; indifferent; nonchalant; (adj): a careless or indifferent person

Later Days.


I love this picture.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Paint me like one of your French Girls, Jack."

A note before I begin my ranting: You should all take a look at the tags for each post. Sometimes they're important to the entirety of the post. But most of the time they're just saying what is in each post. So I guess you don't have to...

Yesterday, for the first time EVER... OUR LACROSSE TEAM WON A GAME!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! That's sooooo exciting! After our EPIC win, we went out to eat. We just stopped at Wendy's but it was fun and delicious.

We got to this game like 2 hours early so we had time to kill. So as we're (Esu Mane, the Girlfriend of Young Master Bill (from here on known as Mima), the Asian, and Big Red) sitting on a hill above our competitor's field, I was attempting to write an essay for my favorite class, AP Language and Composition. Well, that didn't work. Instead I wrote it this morning in first period. FAIL.

Of course you guys know that Gewgaw is on the lacrosse team. So yesterday after the game we stopped at Wendy's. At this eating establishment of ginger proportions, I was standing behind him in line while Esu Mane went to the bathroom to take off her pants (she was wearing two pairs... just so you guys don't flip out like "Whaaaaaaaa???"). So me being the horrible person I am, I start talking to him and punching him and then he decides to grab me and tickle me and OF COURSE(!) Roblett walks up crying and asks for aspirin for his tendinitis. I felt so bad for messing around and he's in so much pain! Wah! I'm awful.


The game was fun and I even got 2 new Esuisms and a Mojoism out of it:

Esuism #6:
*talking about what I should write my essay on and Gewgaw shows up to converse with me*
Esu: "Oh! I know! You should write about the time I punched Gewgaw in the face! :D"
Gewgaw: "When did that happen?"
Esu: "10 minutes from now."
Me: "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!"

Hahaha! She really does dislike him.

Esuism #7:
Esu: "An Esu is worth a thousand words!"
Me: "And a million laughs!"

I made her smile. Hahaha! I'm the best!

Mojoism #3:
*Esu sends me a text message as we're sitting on the bus next to each other*
*I recieve the text*
Me: *turning to Esu and shining the light of my phone on my face* "Do you see my face right now? This is how amused I am by that text message."

This was my face: -_-

Hahaha! Ohhhh, good times.

I was in a pretty bitchy mood yesterday. And I'm not really sure why... I just was... I feel bad for doing it sometimes but at the same time I enjoy it... *shrugs* Oh well.

Word of the Day:
Rutilant: (adj) glowing or glittering with ruddy or golden light

Well that's all folks.

Later Days.


Monday, March 5, 2012

I drew a man with a mustache for my Victimology notes.

Isn't that exciting??? No, not really, I know. It's lame. But I don't know what to write about!! DON"T JUDGE ME!

So instead of writing about something fascinating, I shall, once again, bombard you with pictures and supply you with an awesome word of the day:

Word of the Day:
Prophylaxis: (n) prevention or protective treatment for disease

Yeah so.... That's all folks!

Later Days.


Friday, March 2, 2012

I Need a Pintervention.

We all need one.

*Yammer hands me back my pencil and eraser that I lent her*
Yammer: "Here's your stuff back."
Me (absorbed in Pinterest): "Okay, I don't know what you just handed me but thanks."
*Esu starts cracking up and starts crying*
Me: "You have a mascara tear streak on your cheek!"
Esu (pulling out a mirror): "What? No, I don't! Where? Oh, there!"
*Yammer and I start cracking up*
Esu: "It's official. I need sleep."

Oh, the things said during sleep deprivation. : D

Also my teacher made an example of me for our first period class. Here's what happened as told by Esu Mane and stolen from her blog :

 Mojo is in my first period Criminal Justice class. The teacher enjoys using various people in the class as examples...Mojo was just used as one. "Mojo could be heading out to the club wearing skanky clothes wearing her stripper makeup, and she could be precipitating her own rape..." I about died laughing, because Mojo is not that kind of person at ALL. I honestly don't even think she's ever worn makeup. hahaha. The teacher goes on... "But on the other hand, she could be wearing her housecoat with curlers in her hair and going out to check her mail and her neighbor could find that sexy..." I about died laughing there as well, because Mojo has really curly hair, so why would she be wearing curlers?? hahahah!

Oh, good times, good times.Yammer told me I was really red. I know I was. I could feel it. How unfortunate for me.

This is a yawning kitten:

I'm Feeling Lazy So.....

I'm feeling  quite lazy today so I shall be regaling me followers (ALL 3 OF THEM NOW!!!!! XD) with some of the better pictures I've found on the interweb in recent times.

This is what I feel like eeeeeeveryday.

This is aimed at you, Cwitoburger.

How rainbows are made.

Yeah. There you go.

Oh one more thing!

Deal With It.

Later Days.



Word of the Day:
1. To talk hypocritically. 
2. To speak in the whining or singsong tone of a beggar; beg.
1. Insincere, especially conventional expressions of enthusiasm for high ideals, goodness, or piety. 
2. The private language of the underworld. 
3. The phraseology peculiar to a particular class, party, profession, etc. 
4. Whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How Strange.

I have nothing to write about today. That's unusual. Lately it has seemed like there is always something to write about. I guess instead I'll just do the usual stuff.

Word of the Day:
Troglodyte: (noun) a member of a primitive people that lived in caves, dens, or holes; a cave dweller; one who is regarded as reclusive, reactionary, out of date, of brutish

Esu Mane will not be attending lacrosse practice today or tomorrow. I am very upset. But tomorrow I am going to the horse barn with Yammer! I'm sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!! I don't know what we'll do but I'm soo excited!!

Horses are awesome. Like, the best. I looooove horses!!! I ride horses at a different barn than Yammer but I am going to hang out at her barn with her tomorrow!! This is exciting stuff. If you could see my face you'd see how excited I was. Here I'll show you: this is what I look like right now.

Wasn't that interesting? It's funny because I'm not male, nor am I a midget. But I think you get the picture.

Anyway. Time for Psych.

Later Days.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Rambling Post.

WARNING: This is a rambling post! If you do not wish to read a rambling post, please ignore the following ramble!

Your Friendly Friend,

 I have started this blog in the middle of winter. But, nothing very exciting happens in the winter time.  Summer is where it's at! This past summer was quite an eventful one for me. I changed quite a bit. I shall inform my faithful followers (all 2 of them) of my plights and adventures of the summer.

This summer I went through a gallimaufry of changes (that was for you Esu! >.<). I worked as a lifeguard at my neighborhood pool and I loved it. It was a fun summer and a hot one. I made new friends and I came into my own (finally). There was one lifeguard named Ginger Lifeguard. He was awesome! Attractive, tall, funny cute. He had it going on (;D). He liked Hurricane first but when he learned that she had a boyfriend he turned his attention to the Cachinnator and I. That was... interesting, to say the least. I have some interesting stories about that whole situation that went on there... (nothing bad just funny stuff). When I got back to school in the fall, my confidence was at an all time high, which was only bolstered by the attention of Gewgaw. I felt different, better, more me than ever before. It was overall a fun and strange summer. I enjoyed it immensely. :D

Yesterday was pretty average. Victimology, Honors Español 3, AP Psych, AP Language and Composition. The AP Literature teacher came in to convince all of us to take AP Lit next year. I was already going to take it so it was pretty much a moot point. (Moot is a great word by the way.) Lacrosse practice was average. (Monday we organized and folded jerseys. According to my sister, that evening when I got in the car I smelled like dirty boys. And I did. Grody.)

Speaking of lacrosse practice, yesterday at the rather average lacrosse practice, Esu Mane and the lady friend of Young Master Bill were backing up to get away from the scrimmaging lacrosse players. They both backed into a tree and said"

Esuism #5:
Together: "Oh, hi Tree!"
Esu: "Did we both just say 'hi' to the tree??"

Ahh, the things said to inanimate objects. 

I have discovered a most wonderful word on this very morning!

Word of the Day:
Hircine: (adj.)
1. of, or pertaining to, or resembling a goat
2. having a goatish odor
3. lustful; libidinous

It is quite fantastic is it not?? Esu Mane suggested I change Gewgaw to Hircine... but that's a lot of effort. I'm not going to. I'm waaaayyyy too lazy for that.

Well, I've already written too much so I shall take my leave.

Later Days.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How Uneventful.

Yesterday was quite the uneventful day:

My AP Lang & Comp test was easy... ish. The multiple choice questions were pretty easy but and so were the essays, but each essay had about 50 parts to it. Ugh. Major ugh. But I think I did pretty well on it. I'll make sure to let you know. :)

Esu Mane, Cachinnator, and Cwitoburger would appreciate knowing that nothing happened between Gewgaw and I. I remembered how irritating he can be. But, much to their dismay, I also remembered why I was drawn to him in the first place. It's not that I like him or anything; it's mostly lusting which is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Bad, bad. Another reason why I'm going to Hell.

And another thing! Yesterday, at lunch, I was discussing Cwitoburger's clothing choice for the day. He was wearing jeans for about the first time ever! I was discussing this with The Puerto Rican Chef (PRC). She had noticed something quite fascinating. We (PRC and I) noticed that we can remember what Cwitoburger wears on a regular basis, but he can't remember what we wear. And so:

Lunchism #1:
Puerto Rican Chef: "What do we wear Cwitoburger?"
Cwitoburger: "I don't know... clothes... shirts...?"
Me: "Most of the time..."


It was hilarious. Just to let you know.

Word of the Day:  
Pettifog: \ PET-ee-fog \ , verb;  
1. To bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant matters. 
2. To carry on a petty, shifty, or unethical law business. 
3. To practice chicanery of any sort.
Well, I think that's enough for today.

Later Days.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dreams can help you discharge otherwise unacceptable feelings... Uh-oh...

Psychology is quite informative. I learned today that dreams can help you express otherwise unacceptable feelings... I'm in trouble. I've had some baaaaaad dreams. Not scary-bad but inappropriate-bad. I'm going straight to Hell.

And not because my dreams are funny. They're... pleasant... ;) Oh, dear. I'm definitely going to Hell.


Bubble Boy!

This morning in Victimology, Esu Mane and our teacher, Doormain, were discussing Bubble Boy  and people who are battered and beaten (don't ask), and Doormain said that the only way Bubble Boy could be battered was if someone was punching his bubble. Esu (who is extremely sleep deprived) then said:

Esuism #4:
"Someone wanted to burst his bubble... :D"

Vacuum+Spacesuits+Beating and Battering+Bubble Boy+Sleep Deprivation=Bubble Bursting....

Oh, Esu.

And on another note! I must introduce a new character, for she was rather upset that she isn't featured in my blog yet. Her name is Cachinnator. She is one of my best friends and I am sorry for not mentioning her sooner. YOU SEE THIS CACHINNATOR??? I'VE WRITTEN ABOUT YOU IN MY BLOG!! HAPPY???  Hurricane is also one of my best friends. Just so you guys know. She'll be in her at some point I'm sure. As will Cwitoburger. He'll be here eventually.

Anyway! Back to what I was saying... Wait... I wasn't saying anything... Oh, well.

Wrestling has ended. That means that Gewgaw will be at Lacrosse practice today. But it might be canceled because the weather is bad. It's rainy and gray and it hasn't stopped all day. I'm kind of hoping we have practice but at the same time I don't want to go... Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Alright. It's time for a reading quiz.

Later days.



Word of the Day: 
Tramontane: (\truh-MON-teyn\) , adjective: 1. Being or situated beyond the mountains. 2. Beyond the Alps as viewed from Italy; transalpine. 3. Of, pertaining to, or coming from the other side of the mountains. 4. Foreign; barbarous.
noun: 1. A person who lives beyond the mountains: formerly applied by the Italians to the peoples beyond the Alps, and by the latter to the Italians. 2. A foreigner; outlander; barbarian. 3. A violent, polar wind from the northwest that blows in southern France. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Things I Didn't Include in the Post for Today:

Word of the Day:
Quixotic: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable

There's no Esuism, BegRedism, or Mojoism for today. But there is a funny picture for sure.

Okay, maybe 2...